Just a kid on a BMX bike under a streetlight on University Dr trying to learn a few tricks, fast forward a year or 30 and what you see here is what that kid was dreaming about. That dream of doing epic shit and cre8ing cool gear to go along has always been in my soul. I hope you can feel that in my designs and I can help you LIVE LIFE NOW!
Show your support for rising star Austin Tolliver! Let's GO!
My goal is to inspire you to LIVE LIFE NOW! Epic adventure is a way of life that badass stylish gear is an essential part of. I pour my soul and a lifetime of sending it into every piece and I hope that you can feel it when you touch one of my designs.
Loehr Young
I am still that 13 year old kid mesmerized by the bike. I've spent a lifetime chasing every adventure I can. I have always as long as I can remember wanted to build a brand around doing epic shit with rad people running rad gear living life NOW making memories. The LOEHR BRAND is the ever evolving dream.